September Client Spotlight!

We are back to highlight another intrigal part of our Core (LP) community. From showing up every morning with a smile on her face, and an attitude that is ready to kick some serious butt — for two, this September Client Spotlight is truly on a long-play that we can’t help but celebrate. Meet Mandy Ball!

Tell us a bit about your fitness journey?

I've always loved being active and pushing myself, finding out I can do things I didn't think I could do. But as I've gotten older, fitness has become just as much about the mental benefits. I'm a happier, calmer, more patient person after getting a workout in. It's the 1 hour a day where it is all about ME, and then the rest of the day I can do what I need to do to be a good wife, mother (to-be), daughter, friend, employee, etc. Back in 2017 I had a preventative double mastectomy and reconstruction, and the privilege that is working out and moving my body became so incredibly clear to me. It took me 1.5 months to get my pec muscles strong enough to drive a car again. It took me 6 months to do a push-up. Now I really feel like every workout is such a privilege - our bodies let us do SO many amazing things every day that we take for granted! 

planks, plank challenge, stronger body

Why did you decide to join?

Last year I was in NYC for a few days of fun with my sister and we took an SLT class - HUMBLING to say the least...but I was hooked! I immediately started researching Megaformer classes back in Michigan and basically stalked Core(LP) for months eagerly awaiting their opening. I loved Core(LP)'s mission and couldn't wait to try a class.

What do you love most about Core (LP)?

Omg where do I even start. The environment and the teachers are so supportive, so welcoming; it is genuinely the best start to my day. I walk in the door in the mornings and Judy is there to greet you with a smile, Arsharel already has great music can't help but feel glad to be there. I love the camaraderie you quickly build with other people in class - we're all making faces, grunting, cursing even - but we make it through! I also love how small the class sizes are; the teachers do an amazing job of giving personal attention to each person to check their form and offer modifications or advancements. It's an incredible high-intensity, low-impact workout that has served me in so many ways outside of class. I'm a faster runner, my core is SO much's a win win!

What has been your biggest accomplishment at Core (LP)?

I'm an Arsharel regular and sometimes I think just living through class is a huge accomplishment  my husband swears my booty looks better than ever and I credit Arsharel for that entirely. There are so many little accomplishments along the way though: an advanced move that in the moment I don't think I can do, but I'll be able to do it for 5 seconds, then 10 seconds, then 15 seconds...or after a few months of classes, I started finding I was able to add another yellow spring for some moves. All these little victories along the way that have led to a stronger version of myself both mentally and physically.

What are some of your fitness goals in the next few months?

I'm halfway through pregnancy, so my fitness goals are pretty centered around that: staying active, keep feeling strong, but also do it as safely as possible. I hope to keep showing up to class right up to delivery, even if by month 9 I'm spending half my time on the mega cheering other people on while I take a breather! Another goal is to take Nicole's classes now that she'll start teaching at Core(LP) - I can't wait to try hers!!

What is something you love doing outside of the gym?

I love going out to eat and trying new restaurants all over Detroit, so if anybody has any recommendations I'm all ears! I love to read (fiction mostly). I love going on walks, whether it's around my neighborhood or local parks.

One fun fact about you!

I work in tech, but I was a literature major in college. Funny how life happens!


December Client Spotlight


Beat the Summer Slump: How to Stay Motivated in Your Fitness Routine