Stick To Your Workout Routine with Every Changing Season!

Photo by Ekaterina Novitskaya on Unsplash

Didn’t Summer just start? It feels like Fall is right around the corner and for some that brings a feeling of overwhelm for what the future holds. We immediately start creating back-to-school checklists, writing out our never ending “to-do” lists on post-its, and this year especially, wondering how work will be once you head back to the office. All the while trying to find the time to exercise and keep your nutrition on track. Seems like a lot doesn’t it? Well what if I told you, it didn’t have to be so overwhelming? What if you gave yourself permission to maintain your workout routine moving into this new season? Below are a few things that I’ve used in my life to make my mental and physical health a non-negotiable:


Before we can create a plan, we need to understand why we are feeling a certain way. Overwhelm simply means being emotionally unable to prioritize. It is routed in stress, which comes from fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of not being sure we will get everything done on the timeline we’ve created for ourselves. Believe me, I’ve been a victim of overwhelm more times than I could count and allowed that overwhelm to lead to a cycle of burnout. BUT when I prioritize my mental and physical health as a must, I find myself showing up a lot better for work, school, my partner, friends, and the life I actually want.

Speaking of Loved Ones

What would happen if you set an example for the people in your life? What if you modeled physical and mental health for your kids by bringing them to a workout or talking to them about what it does for you? Imagine if your core people saw a happy, healthy you, vs. an overwhelmed and stressed version of yourself all because you stuck with your workout routine? You are your #1 advocate. Just think of the lessons they would learn by you showing them that prioritizing your health is important? You cannot serve others from an empty cup. Being busy and spreading yourself too thin for others on top of avoiding your own mental/physical health should never be worn as a badge of honor.

Here are a few prompts I’ve used with partners and kids to help you get started:

  • “You know how much fun you have during your soccer games? That’s partially because you love the game, but also because of something called endorphins. When I workout, I get these same endorphins that make me super excited to be your (Mom, Dad, Partner, Teacher, etc…)!”

  • “Moving your body is really important to keep you healthy and strong. When I exercise, I’m making sure I stay healthy. Just like you when you play baseball or go to dance.”

  • “Honey, I know you are able to de-stress and get your alone time through going to the movies. For me, it’s doing a workout.”

Sometimes a simple statement can reinforce your needs!

Plan Ahead

Plan ahead of time. Write it down into your schedule for the week. Make intention towards your goals. Any time you create clear intentions about your goals, you’ll make them happen. What if instead of writing your daily to-do lists, you actually wrote down how you want to feel at the end of the day? More energized? More alert and present with your family? More flexible?

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Invest in advance. I don’t know about you, but when I pay for a service upfront, I make sure that I show up for it. Someone once told me that the only way to find value in something is to actually exchange something else to achieve it. This could be money, time, sleeping in, etc… Whatever it is, choose to invest in yourself in advance.

What tricks do you use to stick with your workout routine?


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